WATCH: Ron Burgundy interviews Peyton Manning abou
WATCH: Ron Burgundy interviews Peyton Manning abou

You can't turn on the TV or flip on the Interwebs these days without seeing Ron Burgundy somewhere participating in some kind of news broadcast to promote the upcoming Anchorman 2 movie.

WATCH: Ron Burgundy interviews Peyton Manning about mustaches

He's either co-anchoring a news broadcast from North Dakota or checking out some hot curling action on TSN in Canada.

Thus, it makes sense that he'd get Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning to agree to an interview on ESPN. Check out portions of it below:

So, is Ron Burgundy overexposed? Depends, I guess, on your tolerance for Will Ferrell.
Pretty sure Ron Burgundy will show up at your kid's birthday part at this point.
— P. Schrager (@PSchrags) December 3, 2013Follow Josh Katzowitz on Google+
Topics: Peyton Manning, Denver Broncos, NFL